Christian Education Workshops
He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.
– Acts 28:30-31
Core Topics
These are some of the core topics
I have been teaching and preaching all over Asia

- The Need of our hearts for Father
- Key to the Greatest Commandment
- The Lost Sons
- The Gifts of the Father
- Our Image of Father God
- The Role of Earthly Fathers
- The Power of Forgiveness
- Dealing with Painful Core Memories
- Performance Demanding Culture
- Father God as a Safe Place
- Father God as Your Provider
- Major Misconception about God
- Loving the Father’s Discipline
- Orphan Heart
- Shame-Fear-Control Cycle
- Our Unique Design
Father Heart of God
Knowing & Experiencing the father’s love
Our Heavenly Father
I have heard many sermons on our glorious Lord Jesus. He is the compassionate Lord who heals the broken, defends the helpless, forgives the sinner, and cleanses the lepers. Concerning the Holy Spirit, He is introduced as “our Helper,” or as “our Counselor” and “our Comforter.”
But what is your impression of the first Person of the Trinity? Is the Father an angry Judge who is eager to punish His disobedient children? Or is He the mysterious Someone living far away in heaven? Do you know the Father intimately? If not, then you have yet to experience the fullness of Jesus’s mission on Earth! Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus came as the way to the Father. He is the way and His Father is the destination!
In this course, we hope to search the scriptures to discover the glorious love of our Heavenly Father and our bestowed identity as His sons and daughters.
Our Earthly Parents
Our earthly parents have a divine assignment to give us an idea of the Father’s nature through their own love for us. They serve as an earthly representation of our Father in heaven. Sadly, I often hear of young men swearing that they will never be like their fathers when they grow up.
Many grow up resentful of their parents, only to discover years later that they turned out exactly or even worse than their fathers. Wounded by their parents, they end up wounding their children. The abused often become abusers themselves. Addictions, Alcoholism, even work-alcoholism, seem to be passed down from one generation to the next, seemingly against their wills.
How do we break this vicious cycle of fear, pain and shame? It must begin with us. Fatherlessness and orphan thinking are not just confined to the world. It shows up even in the Church. It reveals itself when church leaders compete against one another. Youths act like orphans when they reject the wisdom of their elders. Similarly, elders without a fathering heart discourage their zealous youths when they feel their positions of influence being threatened. In the last days, God is raising up fathers and sons who carry His heart. Overflowing with the Father’s love, they will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
Hearing God’s Voice
Hearing, obeying and speaking God’s word
Jesus identifies Himself as the good Shepherd, and the sons and daughters of God are His sheep. He declares in John 10:27 that His sheep have the innate ability to hear His voice. It is neither an acquired skill nor the exclusive right of an elite group. Just like how we can hear with our physical ears, it has always been a natural ability.
However, Christians struggle so often to discern between God’s voice, their own voice and the voice of the enemy. Hearing dramatic testimonies of others encountering God does not help us discern His voice better. Neither do statements like “When God speaks, you know that you know that you know it is God!”
Through this workshop, participants have journaled down God’s thoughts toward them and even what God desires to say to their loved ones. For many of them, this was the first time they recognized God’s voice distinctly from their own voice. As they encountered the Lord, some have experienced healing in their emotions, breakthrough from depression, restoration of family relationships and a deeper sense of His love. In this classroom setting, participants are given a safe space to learn, ask questions, practice, make mistakes and ultimately, grow in faith.
“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams;
even on my male servants and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.
– Acts 2:17-18

- Common Struggles in Hearing God
- 3 Foundational Pictures of God
- 3 Primary Voices in our Heads
- 3 Simple Steps to Hearing
- 3 Common obstacles encountered
- Confirmations & Divine Appointments
- Handling Mystery & Silence
- 3 Elements of a Prophetic Revelation
- Growing in the Prophetic
- Prophetic Protocols
- Dreams & Dream Interpretation
- Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues
- Prophesying from the Father’s Heart

1. Jesus’ Discipleship Strategy
2. Beginning the Discipleship Journey
3. Building a Safe & Trusting Relationship
4. Facing the Generational Gap
5. Spiritual Fathering & Mothering
6. Group Mentoring
7. Helpful Tips in Discipleship
8. Love Languages
9. Five-fold personalities
10. Youth Issues Today
Life Discipleship
Catch Jesus’ disciple-making strategy
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you… – Matt 28:19-20
For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. – 1Cor 4:15
Discipling others to follow Jesus is one of the clearest commands in the Bible. In the church today, we have benefitted from a variety of discipleship courses and material. However, many of us feel like there are some key elements missing from just attending a bible study class.
What we deeply desire is a life-on-life discipleship with someone who’s truly interested in our lives. This is what young people desire the most and they leave church if they’re not able to find it. Jesus Himself modelled this discipling relationship with His young people (the teenage apostles).
During the class, Kenny will be teaching some of those biblical principles. Having mentored and spiritually fathered young people from Singapore and other Asian nations for more than ten years, he will be sharing his joys, his blunders and his journey with his mentees. This course will also be useful for youth leaders, pastors, parents with teens to young adults and anyone interested to learn about discipleship.
Financial Freedom
Encountering the god who provides
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
– Php 4:19
In 2013, when the Lord called Kenny to leave Singapore for a ministry internship in Canada, he emptied his bank account for all the expenses required. Since then, he began a life of living by faith in God’s supernatural financial providence. All these years, he has never been in need nor suffered poverty. Instead, the Lord had provided for him to travel to more than 10 trips a year (pre-covid) to various nations for missions, as well as to give to the pastors, missionaries and the poor there.
Though he doesn’t have a salaried job, the Lord blessed him to propose to his wife in an island resort in the Philippines and even to have destination weddings in 3 countries. During this season where property prices are soaring, the Lord graciously blessed Kenny’s family with a spacious HDB flat based on prophetic promises given to him. Kenny and Amy have a 20-month-old boy and another in the oven! They have also taken on the responsibility of foster-caring for another young man.
During this simple workshop, Kenny will be sharing inspiring stories about leaning on God’s voice and trusting in His provision especially through this difficult season. He will share with participants certain biblical financial principles for everyday living so that we may live in financial freedom. Be inspired to trust in Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides.

- Uprooting the Fear of Lack
- Holding Money with Open Palms
- The Principle of Tithing
- 3 Best Areas of Investments
- Destroying Debt
- Contentment with Gratefulness
- Resting in His Faithfulness
- Working for Money or God

1. Prophecies about the spirit of Elijah
2. Overview of Elijah’s Life and Ministry
3. Spiritual State of Biblical Israel
4. The End-Time Prophetic Generation
5. The Friend of the Bridegroom
6. Rebuilding the Tabernacle of David
7. Helpful Tips in Discipleship
8. Spiritual Fathering & Mothering
9. 5 characteristics of spiritual orphans
10. Expressions of Fathering Movement
Spirit of Elijah
he returns to prepare the way of the lord
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction. – Malachi 4:5-6
The Jewish people, in their Passover meal, would pour a cup of wine and leave the front door ajar to welcome the spirit of Elijah, who is a forerunner to the coming of our victorious King. The prophet Malachi proclaims to us in Mal 4:5-6 that the spirit of Elijah will come before the Day of the Lord to reconcile the hearts of fathers and children. Jesus affirms in Matthew 17 that the spirit of Elijah had truly come upon John the Baptist who was beheaded by his enemies. Yet, Jesus also got us to look forward again to the spirit of Elijah coming “to restore all things.” before He returns. The mantle of Elijah will come upon a willing remnant in the Body of Christ, to walk in his anointing to prepare the way of the Lord.
When learning about God’s blueprint in the end-times, understanding the “spirit and power of Elijah” is foundational. This topic is a three-part series. In the first part, Kenny will be looking at the earthly life and ministry of Elijah as well as explore the political & spiritual state of Israel during his time. In the second part, he’ll share about how the Elijah generation will spark and fuel a Spirit-led Global Prayer Movement that will prepare the Bride to meet her Bridegroom King. In the final part, he’ll share about the progressive revelation of Father flooding the Body of Christ in the end-times.
Kingdom of God
know the reason for which christ died for
As a minister of the Gospel of the kingdom, it always intrigues me that the discourse among God’s people in the past century has simply been centered primarily on ‘the church’ – Church-growth tactics, building a healthy church, purpose-driven Church etc.
Don’t get me wrong – I love the Church, and I love the people of God whom Christ loves and gave His life for. What intrigues and disturbs me is that we haave somewhat lost sight of the bigger picture – the kingdom of God. Some stare in bewilderment when asked “What is the Kingdom of God?” Yet, the word ‘Kingdom’ has been mentioned more than a hundred times in the Gospels, mostly by our Lord Himself.
As a missionary to Asian third-world nations, it is my goal to make complex concepts of the Kingdom as simple as possible to understand. We get down to the basics. We tackle the seemingly simple questions no one dares to ask. We map out how it practically looks like. This course will be filled with conceptual & scriptural teachings, meaningful discussions and exercises, lots of questions and answers (just like all the courses I run), and a good time to build kingdom connections and friendships.

- The Storyline of the Kingdom of God
- Elements that makes up a Kingdom
- Gospel of Kingdom vs Salvation Gospel
- Kingdom-Oriented Churches
- Our Kingdom Calling & Destiny