Our Ministry Work
Giving you snapshots of the work we’ve been doing

Every year, I have the joy of ministering to elders from N.E. Thailand and Laos. I teach on ‘Intimacy with God’, leading them to receive God’s tangible love for themselves and others.

Delegates from Bhutan, India and Nepal gathered for 4 days to experience the presence and power of God. They learnt about their sonship identity, praying for healing and hearing God’s voice for their lives.

A team of us have been ministering to Tibetan young adults in Nepal. During one session, a young Buddhist monk walked into our session on “Hearing God’s Voice” and saw a vision of Jesus when he closed his eyes. He came everyday after that and finally gave his life to Jesus at the end.

While I enjoyed preaching at adult and youth church services, I had the privilege of preaching on physical healing to little children in this orphanage church. We saw close to 10 instantaneous healings in that small congregation that day!

This was a deeply emotional youth camp for us. The participants had come from families with difficult backgrounds. They grew up without receiving much hugs or words or affirmation from their parents. During the camp, we took time to give them hugs from Father God and torrents of tears just began to flow uncontrollably.

Every year we host a leaders equipping session for the leaders in our emerging generation in Asia. We teach and live out what a kingdom community looks like so that they are able to bring it back home.

Before Amy moved to the city, she worked with youth and kids in the provinces in Cambodia. She hosted medical and gospel teams who brought gifts and services to the sick and the poor.

Amy lived among the locals, enjoying the simpler way of life in Kratie, Cambodia. While she taught English, she also discipled them in the way of the Gospel. Many of the young people she discipled today are leading their own churches.

Her heart for sexually broken women led her to her ministry at Daughters of Cambodia. She leads a team of women who were former sex-workers to run a cafe and center.

For a season after our marriage, we helped with a network of house-church plants in Phnom Penh where we lived. Every Sunday, it was amazing to see at least 10 different nationalities gather to worship our King.

While I’m in Singapore, I partner with Alby Singapore to conduct workshops to equip the Body of Christ. More than 300 people have attended my teachings on the prophetic, Father heart and kingdom topics.

As a couple, Amy and I disciple young adults through the various critical life transitions. We host safe spaces for them to be themselves and to share their fears, struggles and victories. This remains one of our most enjoyable ministry.
Story of The Well
The Lord blessed us with a home to do life and ministry when we returned from Cambodia.
Below is an excerpt from a Salt and Light article about that miracle.
Below is an excerpt from Salt & Light Article about our testimony.
One day in October last year, the Lord spoke to Kenny.
“He spoke to me three times, saying, ‘Kenny, I want you to leave the house.’”
Upon speaking to his wife, Kenny discovered that God had had the same conversation with her, though she admitted that she struggled to understand the need for incurring the huge expense of buying their own house. Especially when they might not be in Singapore for long.
“We just went ahead to act in faith, though the situation seemed impossible.”
But the couple obeyed God’s leading.
They went online to PropertyGuru to search for a three-room flat. The family is fostering a young adult, and figured they needed one room for him and another for themselves and their baby. Amy is also pregnant with their second child.
There was just one major problem: Kenny only had $30,000 in his bank account and another $60,000 in his Central Provident Fund (CPF). The amount was not enough to even cover the cost of a one-room flat in Singapore. His wife is not a Permanent Resident and they assumed they would not be able to get much in housing grants.
“We just went ahead to act in faith, though the situation seemed impossible,” said Kenny.
A faith-stretching house hunt
In their house-hunting, the pair realised that property prices in Singapore were skyrocketing due to various factors such as low interest rates, delays in Build-To-Order flats and rising social confidence with the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines.
While they were on their property hunt, a good friend told them about her prophetic dream. In her dream, she saw them in a spacious four-room flat, very close to their parents’ home.
Did that mean they should start searching for a four-room flat in Tampines, the couple wondered.
Notwithstanding the fact that such a flat would likely cost some $450,000, they began tweaking their search, trusting in God’s guidance at every step.
“Don’t bother looking at this unit … You better go down and ask your bank if they would lend you money.”
Their housing agent was understandably doubtful.
“This unit, if you don’t have at least $400,000, don’t bother looking at it. You don’t know what is IPA (In-Principle Approval) or HLE (HDB Loan Eligibility)? You better go down and ask your bank if they would lend you money,” he advised the bewildered couple.
Indeed, Kenny’s annual income was too low for the banks to consider offering a loan.
As he headed to HDB to check if he could qualify for grants, his expectations were low.
He was pleasantly surprised to learn, however, that they could give him a grant of $140,000. That was something, though his finances still fell vastly short.
When he mentioned to his parents that he could buy over their own four-room flat in Tampines which was currently being rented out, his parents had a counter proposal.
“We do not need such a large space. Why don’t you take over our four-room flat and just buy us a three-room flat in return?” they said.
Kenny and his wife, Amy, with their son Joshua, who is soon turning two.
The arrangement was generous and feasible, though Kenny and his wife were still about $100,000 short to buy a three-room flat for their parents.
But when Kenny applied for an HDB loan, lo and behold, despite his unstable income, he managed to secure an HDB loan for the required amount.
“To me, getting a flat was impossible … But the Lord provided every single thing, step by step.”
But this was not the end of the story.
In the lead-up to the signing of the HDB loan contract, Kenny found himself preaching in a church on the topic of “Financial Freedom in Turbulent Times”.
One of the points he was led to speak on – “give, lend, cancel debts, but try not to be in debt” – convicted his own heart.
“Borrowing is not a sin, but I felt God had put it on my heart to trust Him for a loan-free, debt-free situation concerning my flat,” said Kenny.
As he and his wife pressed on in prayer for their house, he received dreams that pointed him to God’s assurance that he would come into the land of his possession (Deuteronomy 2:12) and God would give him the power to obtain wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).
On the very morning of the day he was to meet an HDB officer to sign the loan contract, Amy received a timely call from her parents.
Kenny and his family, overjoyed at having a four-room flat in Tampines near their parents’ and brother’s place.
They had heard about the couple’s situation and offered them the money they needed. It turned out that her parents had already set aside some money to give to each of their children in future.
The HDB loan was rendered unnecessary.
Since last month, Kenny and his family have a four-room flat in Tampines to call their own, with his brother’s family living in the next block and his parents soon to buy a three-room flat nearby.
“Just a few months ago, we had $30k. To me, getting a flat was impossible as people take years to pay off the mortgage for their house. But the Lord provided every single thing, step by step. He is the God of the possible,” said Kenny.