Matthew 10:42 “And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”

Kenny & Amy
As a missionary family, my wife and I have dedicated ourselves to the discipling Christians into their identities as beloved sons and daughter of God. We do this through Christian education workshops, prayer & worship gatherings, overseas mission work and most of all, over a hearty meal and a cup of coffee (or a cold drink if you prefer one!)
For the past decade, I’ve been traveling on missions throughout Asian nations preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. From large conferences to small home groups (and zoom meetings recently), we’ve seen the Spirit move powerfully to minister to the Body of Christ through the spoken Word.

Kenny Tan is a full-time missionary and itinerant speaker based out of Singapore. With his wife Amy and their children, they’ve been ministering to believers in various parts of Asia for the past decade. They desire to bring Father God’s restorative love to the broken.
After serving full-time in his local church, the Lord called Kenny into the mission field. Over the years, Kenny has preached on the Father heart of God in international conferences, church worship gatherings, men’s meetings and leaders trainings. He has also taught believers to practically hear God’s voice and move in their spiritual gifts and callings.
- Honours Degree in Social Work (National University of Singapore)
- Tungling Bible College School of Leadership
- Catch the Fire Toronto School of Ministry & Pastoral Internship
- Restoring the Foundations Prayer Minister
- Immanuel Practicum Prayer Minister
Trusted by International Leaders
Online Course
Do you ever feel like you’re distant and constantly failing in your relationship with Father God?
I invite you to join me on this 30-day devotional journey into the Father heart of God. Through this course, we’ll unravel misconceptions of Father God, release forgiveness to those who have hurt us and learn about the nature of our Father. Learn to rest in His embrace, free from fears, shame and addictions.
My Published Books

Living the Kingdom Life
Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom for most of His ministry on Earth. More than a hundred times does the word “kingdom” appear in the four gospels. He promises that the end will only come when the kingdom’s good news is preached throughout the world. Clearly, He is passionate about His Kingdom.
Yet I found that believers are often dumbstruck when asked “what is the kingdom of God?” In these last days, the Holy Spirit is restoring the revelation of His kingdom to the Church. The Father is calling His Church to walk in their identities as beloved sons of His Kingdom and to establish its reality here on Earth.
My Sheep Hear My Voice
Jesus identifies Himself as the good Shepherd, and the sons and daughters of God are His sheep. He declares that His sheep have the innate ability to hear His voice. It is neither an acquired skill nor the exclusive right of an elite group.
However, Christians struggle so often to discern between God’s voice, their own voice and the voice of the enemy. Through the courses I conduct, many pastors and leaders have learnt simple but powerful handles to discern God’s voice. This book contains many of these crystalized concepts and can be used as an effective discipleship tool.

Partner with us as we bring His extravagant love to the nations.
Matthew 10:42 “And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”
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Let me know when you sent me a love gift or if you face any issues. Simply drop me a text at 91017207 or email me [email protected].
On behalf of the Asian Body of Christ, thank you for your partnership. We share in the fruit of the labour.
Kenny Rason Tan
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